@Sean: Weird people like me who have mood swings ;)
Pro Ping-Pong players :D intenseeeeeeeee.
@Weej: LOL, Sean didn't bother to play mario kart cuz he know hes gonna win xD
hmm Wisdom...sure let's go with that ;P
We played the card game again and stupid Alex won (it is NOT the real deal...NOT!) and then played brawl. Impressed David :D i'm becoming one of the guys, video game loving but umm the wrestle part i think i won't be needing that haha. I had 5 kills once and that's all i remembered.
Got alot of tests back today @___@'' and being on sport teams seem like a stressful thing, just imagine people staring at you doing something...*shudders* ugh scary.
@you please keep those things off the net...especially the blog where the world is always fun and cheerful